LEO MUN Unites Nations This July
- Nature Khabar

Leo District Council 325 B1 Nepal in coordination with Youth Thinkers’ Society (YTS) is organizing LEO MUN, a 2-Days Virtual Model United Nations Conference on 17th and 18th July 2020.
The format of this session is based upon the protocol and procedures resembling the actual UN Discussion. Leo Binayak Paudel, Immediate Past District President of Leo District Council 325 B1 and Leo MUN Advisor 2020, states Leo MUN is the initiative for the youth empowerment where youths from different age groups, regions and countries can showcase their conversation skills discussing over the common problems of agendas and carrying out global resolution for those issues.
“I have approached MUN for the growth and empowerment of All Nepal Leo Leaders though every Leos and Non Leos can be a part of this event and it is basically focused on youth empowerment”, Leo Paudel added.
Following the standard UNA-USA Rules of Procedure, Leo MUN will be hosting three committees i.e. the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and World Food Programme (WFP).
The WHO will be simulating two councils, council A and B, which will function independently of each other. Thus, in totality, 150 delegates from all corners of the world will come together to discuss agendas of local and global relevance.
The agendas are the statement of problems which will be discussed and the resolution will be withdrawn after the conference which may be useful for different national and international institutions. For the particular session, delegates will be selected as per the rules by organizing committee, said Leo Dinesh Giri, the Program Coordinator of Leo MUN 2020. Being asked about the vision regarding the event Giri highlighted, “MUN conferences certainly help the person to develop the research, leadership, diplomatic and networking skills and more than that it reminds the person of their worth and purpose of being a youth and their responsibility towards their global issues.”
Speaking about the conference, this is what Leo Rashik Chand the Head of Academics and Delegate Affairs had to say, “With such a diverse group of participants from 15 countries, we are sure each delegate will bring a new perspective to the committee. We hope the delegates will foster invaluable connections and have a memorable experience while chasing the extremes of diplomacy and debate.”
Youth Thinkers’ Society is the collaborative partner for Leo MUN 2020 which is technically supporting the organizing team to carry out tasks fluently. The evaluation of the discussion is done by dais members and they are also responsible to provide awards on 12 different sectors to the participants delegated under different headings. Moreover, the different country ambassadors taking part in the event will share culture, lifestyle, and language practiced in their own specific countries. Ambassadors from Nepal, Afghanistan, USA, India, Bhutan, Nigeria etc and other different countries are taking part in the event. The entire event will be carried out virtually via Zoom on the scheduled date.