Smugglers’ Secret Haven 2km from Security Post: 20-Day Hideout Uncovered-Digging, Cooking, Rhino Poaching Undetected by Park Authorities

Chitwan - A committee formed to investigate the incident of two rhinos being killed by smugglers in the core area near security post of Chitwan National Park has come to the conclusion that the smugglers killed the rhinos due to the negligence of the park.
It is seen that the smugglers have made a shelter as fire lighters, pieces of clothes and water bottles were also found near the incident site. It has also been found that inside the forest, rhino horns were cut, the horns were boiled and cleaned on fire. But the park administration didn't get it.
It has been mentioned that patrolling from the park's head office Kasara, sector office Sauraha, range post and post is not effective. Not being able to focus on the habitat of the rhinoceros and limiting the patrol to formalities is the reason for the killing of the rhinoceros, the committee has raised questions on the security system of the park itself. It is also mentioned in the report that according to the judgments of the court in the past, there is no monitoring of the people who have paid their prison sentences and come out.
It was reported that a group of smugglers killed two rhinoceroses in a ditch inside the park area and cut off the horn and hooves. Ministry of Forests and Environment formed a five-member investigation committee under the coordination of Ved Kumar Dhakal, Deputy Director General of the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Department.
First the big rhinoceros and after 7 days the small rhinoceros fell into the pit. The rhinoceros died due to a hole the size of a large rhinoceros, its head fell down and its neck was broken. The horns of the rhinoceros were also broken. It is mentioned in the report that the horn was removed after the rhinoceros died, and the small rhinoceros fell into a big pit, and after it did not die immediately, it was shot from close range and the horn was cut off with a sharp weapon.
According to the report, the park administration did not know that the traffickers dug 7 holes near the security post of the park, 2.3 km from the park and 3.5 km from the Rapti river for more than 20 days. The pit was dug.
The soil that came out of digging the pit was taken elsewhere and thrown and covered with grass to make it look natural. He understood the condition of the rhinoceros by building a high temporary scaffolding near the pit.
When the elephants of the park went missing, the rhinoceros was found dead in a ditch. Even after 20 days of killing the rhinoceros, no one from the park has reached the place, raising serious questions about the park's honesty and security sensitivity.