Bhutnese, Rohingya, and Nepali Nationalism
- Bhoj Kumar Dhamala

Though Nepal is very small in proportion in the world map it has immense heart for those who are homeless and seek refuse in it. It does not regard any one as its infinite enemies. It has become abode to the runaway Bhutanese, the victims of political oppression, who fled from Bhutan to safety in Nepal for their life. Now, most of them have shifted to the developed world in the name of resettlement. Some Bhutanese are still in the camps in Nepal who show their unwillingness to resettle in the other countries except their own fatherland, Bhutan.
Political and religious oppression is cruel. The persecution of the majority of the Buddhists in Myanmar is creating crisis for ethnic Rohingya Muslims and their bizarre is worth mentioning example at present. Thousands of fleeing scene of Rohingya for protection to Bangladesh, Nepal and some neighboring countries is making headlines in the world media. This tragedy became horrible after the emergence of anti-Muslim riot in western Rakhine state in Myanmar. Many have lost their lifes while crossing the Naff River through rickety boats. It is reported that more than three hundred thousands of Rohingya Muslims escaped from Myanmar and scattered mostly in Bangladesh and a small portion arrived in Nepal as well and have settled in Kapan, Kathmandu.
Ang Sang Suki (Nobel Peace Prize winner and advisor of Myanmar government) is criticized for this political upheaval though she has defended that there is no military subjugation against the minority Rohingya as seen in social media. The world is not ready to accept Suki’s opinion and believes something is wrong. Yasin Hamdin and Amir Hussain are stranded in Nepal and are in deeper whole with no jobs and prior assistance. Their Diaspora experience makes everyone sentimental. For them, and Zafir, Miya Nepal is safer haven than Myanmar, but their story doesn’t end here only. The journey of life is long and they still have to face many ups and downs.
Nepal is best known for its hospitality and religious tolerance. The tender heart and willing acceptance to the sufferers is Nepali trade mark. Every Nepali feels proud having Sagarmatha and Gautam Buddha in their heart and memories as their national glory. Despite cramps Nepal is happy to dole out and console the wanderers. Nepali nationalism does not stick only in the bravery of Bir Gorkhali, but also in tenderness, sovereignty, respect, forgiveness, and after all great heart.
Nepalese are friends than foes most of the time. If someone tries to play with this feeling in any pretention, it is no more acceptable. We lend a hand does not mean that we give everything. We are alert about our nationality, our rights, and duties. The government should not hesitate identifying the runaway refugees and initiate the process sending them back to their nation. Otherwise, who knows, it might be the chronic illness for Nepal and Nepali in the long run.