Nature Khabar


From the Author

Young creativity Apps of global and local challenge

The International space Apps challenge is an international mass collaboration focused on space exploration that takes place over… .....Read More +

International Space Apps Challenge in Kathmandu

Renewable Energy for Rural Livelihood Project, joint program of Global Environment Facility and United Nations Development Program, under… .....Read More +

Go Green: Go Veg

  Today is October1st, the day widely acclaimed as the world Vegetarian Day. However, many might consider it… .....Read More +

Growing traffic getting onto my nerve

  The boggling problem of traffic jams that a general city dweller goes through in a daily scale… .....Read More +

Happy Environment Day

Today is June 5, the day that is well-acclaimed as the International Environment Day. The world is celebrating… .....Read More +

Disaster victims continue to face multi challenges

  Bimala Devi Yadav of Sunsari is a survivor of 2008 Koshi flood whose fertile land was turned… .....Read More +

Seven Declaration of Mountain Agenda momentum in Nepal

  50 representatives of a range of public, civil society, local, international agencies, and governmental and non –government… .....Read More +

The best three environment essay announced

The best three essays were announced and awarded on Thursday, 11 August 2016 amid a formal prize distribution… .....Read More +
