Yes ! We Can, Possible in Nepal

Nepal, small and beautiful country, only covers 0.03% of land in the world map. Though very small in proportion, it has boundless prospects. A lot can be achieved by utilizing infinite opportunities in the field of agriculture, hydro-electricity, and tourism. Youths can explore the undiscovered land for tourism; enhance commercial mass agriculture production with the application of new technology, and the nation can invest into the grand hydro-electricity projects, roadways, and other basic infrastructures of development for the progress of nation. Progress is possible with some visionary futurists.
No one has believed that Kathmandu valley would be power cut free before Kulman Ghising (Present CEO, Nepal Electricity Authority). Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates might have never imagined that their conceptual fruit would have the revolutionary impact in the information technology and software development. Tiny but new concept may lead to the name and fame in no time. Visionary Nepalese youths have the same caliber and innovative creativity that might change the definition of Nepal and Nepalese.
The youth can find his possible future in agriculture. People have become health conscious and they wish to benefit themselves from the healthy food they consume, regardless of cost. In terms of agriculture farming, one should emphasize on organic production, though costly at the initial phase, it turns out to be beneficial in the long run. It is eco friendly and indirectly helps in environment conservation as well. Youths should engage themselves into various sectors, instead of dreaming of going to foreign nation for employment. Mass agriculture production would do a lot.
Similarly, the youth can engage himself is tourism business. Nepal with a lot of beautiful landscape, mountains, and hills, possesses infinite promising features. The youth can engage in different tourism related business for earning like; hotel, long and short trekking, mountaineering, rafting, canoeing, bungee jumping, and rock climbing. The message to the world “Nepal is the best hospitable destination to travel” may add the new point of reference to the foreign visitors to increase their interest to visit Nepal.
The other possible area for prosperity is hydro-electricity. Nepal with many small and big rivers has the capacity of generating of 83000 megawatt electricity itself. Who knows only half of electricity generation in the country may make it possible to operate big industries that might create grand scale job opportunities not only the national but international job seekers in near future. It is not fictional for Nepalese to envision themselves traveling from east to west Nepal through metro train run by electric power. Likewise, cable cars from one hill to the other hill as a transportation might reduce the cost of petroleum dependency in the neighboring nations, and this is not impossible if we have the strong will and determination. Achievement is possible and prosperity is at our hand. The right vision at the right time is what we lack at the present. Nepalese youths are ready to sacrifice contributing something for the sake of nation. Let’s create opportunities. A grand change is possible and yes we can.